Sustainable development involves both individual and collective awareness, but it also raises questions of communication, geopolitical stakes and innovation.
Approximately, over the last ten years, the concept of sustainable development has become known in the world. It represents a new reality with which our societies are confronted and which challenges our production and consumption models. It imposes limits as a reaction to the depletion of fossil fuels, to worldwide environmental degradation and to the increase in North/South inequalities.
The alarm has sounded: damage to land-based ecosystems will have direct consequences for humans, and the doubling of the world population in the next 40 years means that today we are facing an energy blockade.
Rombouts decided to look into this concept. Since 2004, the company has asked itself these types of questions:
- What exactly does this term mean?
- Do Fair Trade and Sustainable Development mean the same thing?
- What should our partners' commitment to this concept be? Does it, or should it change the way we work?
- Does it bring added value to our company?
Rombouts had undertaken some action:
- Regenerative Thermal Oxidation
- Sorting garbage
- Reduction of weight of plastic cups